
Lie refuses to death - an Israeli book on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion

Hadassah Book Bin Eito
Lie Refuses to
One hundred years on Protocols
Elders of Zion
The circumstances of the book and the most important findings of the

The book was published today by the Press "everything" in Haifa, Israel, and the translation into Arabic of Mr. George Farah. Book is available at the site of a full Information Center Intelligence and Terrorism


The book "a lie Refuse
Death "by Judge Hadassah Ben Eito, is the result of basic research over the past six years dealing with the book "Protocols Elders of Zion "(hereinafter the" Protocols ").These protocols, a document forged, were designed originally to incitement against Jews in the empire of Czarist Russia, then spread in the world during the twentieth century spread like wildfire, and became a propaganda tool essential in preparing souls for the elimination of the Jews and still to this day a very powerful tool is used by people, organizations and countries, in thePolitical struggle against the Jewish people and the State of Israel.

Author of the book Judge Hadassah Ben Eito

A lot of people in the world who consider protocols consistent evidence of a Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world, do not know the truth, despite the availability of clear evidence of falsification, which published many times, they do not know the facts.Hence the great importance of Hadassah Ben Eito book published so far in nine languages.All the facts contained in the book based on personal research conducted by Judge Ben Eito, which for all their lives accustomed to examine evidence of HPA, which is reviewed for the first time in a language and through a series of great literary author received praise around the world and considered attention-grabbing books.

Represented Eito Judge Hadassah Ben-Israel in various international forums, including the United Nations and UNESCO. Many of those who attacked Israel in these forums traditionally refer to the "Protocols of the Elders of
Zion "as proof of the desire of the Jews control the world.Eito Ben has learned that in general are talking about a false document, but as the judiciary decided that it would not be able to respond to the allegations without checking the facts. In a chance encounter with lawyers in the city of Bern in Switzerland, she met the trial, which took place in that city in 1934 against the Nazi leader of the movement for local publication "Protocols."Out of curiosity, decided to reveal all of what is known about this trial and this was drawn to the comprehensive research preferred giving up because of him from the bench after that I have occupied over 31 years.

Troy Hadassah Ben Eito in her book How I wandered in different countries, spent many days in the sections of personal archives and public, met with the living persons are available to have relevant information, as well as people from their descendants, having left the world and found in their vaults on different documents is not known people for their existence.It soon became clear that it has authored protocols Eptdaha not already, but there is talk about plagiarism from a book written by a French lawyer named Maurice Joly, who published anonymously in 1864. The Jolie wanted to warn people of the French dictator Napoleon III.The book is written in a language metaphor is a newly described in the other world going on between Machiavelli and Munzkiye, the two owners Mvkran views are well known among the French. Ideal case for Machiavelli is one-man rule, which has the force has no limits, he tries through dialogue with the liberal Munzkiye need to convince him that the course of the world on this pattern.And describes Jolie through Machiavelli detailed plan includes all actions that should be on the ruling to follow in order to control the world, and devote each chapter to a particular topic, such as control of the press, police, judiciary, labor market, financial market and even acts of violence are diverse and are necessary to achieve the target so end justifies the means.During the trial of Bern (1934) that display the book Julie, it was easy to show that about two-thirds Protocols
Elders Zion Copied verbatim from the book by masking the original aim of the author and the conversion program of the dictator, as described by Julie, to the Jews who plan to take over the world.

Protocols were written in France during the last years of the 19th century by agents of the Russian secret police, who worked in the service of Tsar Nikolai II.The book consists of 24 separate, so that each chapter deals with a subject. This seems like as the seasons Protocols
of the real meeting of the body (not proved that she was never found) and the secret world government called for the Jews.Each chapter is a letter from the head of the group called 'the Elders of Zion, "which explains to the rest of the members of the forum is not only how Cistr by Jews on the world but also the philosophy that stands behind the plan.This philosophy is the embodiment of Jewish religious writings which, like Machiavelli's theory, that might is right, therefore, the desired goal virginity governor of one Jew to the world justifies all means.Of this false philosophy, myth stems that have received and continue to be spread widely and are the responsibility of Jews for all the turmoil in the world, including the revolutions and wars, spread of disease and terrorist acts, and all this in order to achieve their goals.

Counterfeit document was written in Paris by agents of the Ross worked there for the follow-up who had prepared the Bolshevik revolution, which was scheduled for the future isolation of Tsar Nikolai II and the elimination of this rule on the rule of the Romanov dynasty famous. The bookHadassah Ben Eito description of the Russian agents who have worked, the way their work, including their use of counterfeit documents and their association with the French elites in the meetings that took place in the political salons of Badabh and owner of a French newspaper, the wife of police chief of Paris.Among those who met consistently in the living room, there was to stop from behind the story, which was the basis for the condemnation of the French Jewish officer Dreyfus individual who was acquitted later in the wake of the massive intervention by the writer Emile Zola.

During the research embarked upon Hadassah Ben Eito began in Russia some role Archive open its doors after it was closed during the Communist period.This has allowed the matter to a writer disclosure documents older than a hundred years, written badminton, including correspondence between clients who worked in Paris between leaders of the secret police in St. Petersburg, a correspondence that shows explicitly the protocols counterfeit composed structure to convince the Tsar and the public in Russia that the Jews are standing behind the preparationsOf the Bolshevik revolution and overthrow the Romanov dynasty (and in this way to prepare for the targeting of Jews as well as the suppression of opponents of the Tsar). According to the documents and certificates that have been disclosed, these were the reason behind the explicit written protocols and this is why the document is published in France at the time, but arrived to Russia.

It should be noted that the bookHadassah Ben Eito historically is not a book in the ordinary sense, though it contains chapters describing the historical facts. These chapters, as is the case for the rest of the chapters of the book, based on careful research by the high judge, but as mentioned, it is written as a story dramatically.The book contains a lot of characters representative, for example, the chapter on Russia, which deals with colors live what is going on behind the scenes in the royal palace, the function of Tsarina and her antics, Tsarina Alexandra, and the role played by her sister Elizabitha, the wife of Governor of Moscow, the roles played by women in the palace The strange life that took place in the monasteryObtina-Posten, who lived a monk was a religious fanatic, with his wife and his mistress. This has been a monk, named Sergei Nilus, first published in Russian book Protocols
Elders Zion in 1905.Have been described, consisting How was the use of protocols in the internal political conflicts in Russia before the revolution, and how they were used to incite the public to commit genocide against the Jews which massacres famous that occurred in the early twentieth century, and how they were found on one of the versions of protocols near the bed of Queen Alexandra, after the disclosure of death in the family of TsarCity Ictrenperg Bolshevik hands.

Did not stop use for this book satanic false with the fall of the Tsarist regime, where the book arrived after the First World War to Europe and from there to the United States and other countries around the world.Therefore, some of the following chapters in the book dedicated to the transmission of the book and came across and the negative impact of this document counterfeit and outside the borders of Russia described the legal battle that took place against him. With the conclusion of the war and in the wake of the revolution in Russia in the world there was the fear of Bolshevism, which dropped the Romanov dynasty.Officers have been deployed by the Russian army was defeated in the white parts of the world and published Protocols
Elders Zion in order to prove that Jews are involved not only the Russian Revolution but also the global war that left millions dead.Has warned that what happened in Russia might happen to systems in other countries, and so began the process of translating protocols into many languages ​​and the dissemination of this document counterfeit widely in the world.The book deals with figures such as Henry Ford in the U.S. and publishers of newspapers in Britain, who rode the wave shallow and took advantage of it to increase the spread of newspapers and how they arrived translation protocols, even to Japan.

Parallel publishing the Protocols began also publishes proof that the are talking about a fake document.Since 1921, published three non-Jewish figures in the three countries and the evidence is clear that the protocols false:Katrina Rdsepl, a princess Russian was mistress to the commander of the secret police, had fled during the revolution to the United States of America, Ormonde de Hilh, a researcher with the religious French residence for the purpose of research in the monastery Obtina-Posten, and know personally Sergei Nilus, and saw his own eyes the original document is counterfeit, Philip Grapes, a correspondent for the London Times in AstenbWell, Alnazi bought from the Russian refugees to the original version of the book Julie Morris and proved for the first time the subject plagiarism. These three individuals, who did not know each other, published what it revealed in a series of articles in French newspapers in the United States and Britain.

There was an important stage on the political use of the protocols and in the year 1933, with the rise of the Nazis to power, and ended its fall in 1945. The protocols were as important weapon in the hands of Hitler and Nazism, even since the publication of his book Hitler's "Mein Kampf" in 1922.Have adopted the Nazi protocols as background information against the Jewish people in the context of the Battle of incitement by the Jews.Through this document counterfeit implant Nazis in the popular consciousness that the Jews threaten the security of Germany and peace in the whole world, by building awareness of the hatred toward the Jewish people and the legitimacy of harm Jews, even eliminate systematic and orderly on the visible part of the European Jews hands of the Nazi regime. This part are well documented in the bookHadassah Ben Eito.

On the other hand continued efforts to uncover the truth about the Protocols. When it became clear that the Nazi variety of movements such as the fungi grow around the world, and that the protocols became an essential part of their propaganda, these Jews, as individuals and groups, the only step possible - the submission of cases to the courts.The book includes some interesting cases, notably the two courts Darta in 1934 in Berne, Switzerland in a small town called Gramiston in South Africa. Available to the author all the documents for these trials:Verbatim records of statements, articles of personal archives that reveal what happened behind the scenes in these trials, and of course the referee's decisions, which clearly identified that the protocols fake. During these trials have been listening to the correct certificates and certified by witnesses to the forgery and a detailed description of the deliberations and dramatic.

These prosecutions are detailed in the essentialBook Bin Eito. The author describes the trials from the point of its career as a judge, which take the reader, however, led not only to the halls of the deliberations, but also to meetings of lawyers and their assistants in the room filled with smoke.The reader is like a present in person in all these incidents and to hear testimony under oath by the Ross high-class, including members of the Cabinet of Caesar, the leaders of the opposition in Russia and even was known for counterfeiting in person in real time, as well as the person who was responsible for payment is made to counterfeiting.And is available in an archive, consisting of fully representative of the Nazi party in Switzerland, which reveals the tactics taken by the defendants in the trial of Bern and the fact that management of everything according to the dictates of by the leadership of the Nazi movement in Germany.The book contains a vivid description of all those involved in the trial, prosecutors, defendants and lawyers, along with a dramatic description of the distinctive certification specialists, who were recruited by Almtdaaan as well as by the court.

In addition to these trials, the book includes a description of the figures and other bodies in the research protocols and published a definitive insights confirm counterfeiting: not only jurisprudence but also to research published in different countries and received wide spread.Among this, Almavlh describe the research was in the middle of World War II, in 1942, by the non-Jewish historian at Columbia University in the United States of America, the signatures of 15 professors of the most well known universities in the United States of America.There is also a quotation from the report of the committee of nine representatives in the Senate was appointed in 1964 by the U.S. Senate, to examine Protocols
Elders Zion, the report emphatically through the use of harsh expressions that are talking about a forged document and dangerous, not only for Jews but for the whole world.

The last section of the book describes the Hadassah Ben Eito use "protocols" in the period following World War II. After the war it became clear once again that lie Refuse to
death:Although he proved that the protocols fake, and despite the use of protocols extensively by the Nazi regime, although contributing to the installed protocols to the elimination of six million Jews, he continued publishing the Protocols as a document valid throughout the world and widely spread widely and translated back into many languages.In the period in which we live is the use of protocols and political myths are biting not only against the Jewish people but also against the State of Israel. This makes the book Hadassah Ben Eito book however, realistic and relevant to a large and unprecedented.

There are of particular importance concerning the translation of the book Hadassah Ben Eito into Arabic.In recent years, turned into "The Protocols Elders of
Zion "to the book and the large sales in the Arab and Islamic worlds. There are new versions of the protocols are printed in Arabic in Egypt, Syria, Iran and other countries.These versions are based on the original book with updated introductions vary according to place and time.The aim of translations to serve the political interests vessels such as the abuse to the State of Israel and the Zionist movement and the dissemination of hatred toward the Jewish people, not only in the Middle East but also in many countries in the world (not "export" copies of the Protocols were translated into Arabic from the Middle East, distribution and dissemination of the center of communities Arab and Muslim countries around the world).In some cases, these versions include introductions written by famous people, employers, religious, academic titles, and print high-quality art and by known publishing houses, in order to give "respect and credibility" of the protocols and incitement against Israel and the Zionist movement.In addition, many books appear in nature does not depend on the review Sami myths contained in the protocols and turn them into realities. There is hope that the availability of translation of the bookHadassah Ben Eito into Arabic for the Arabic reader a completely different angle on the protocols and to provide him with new tools to deal with the myths that have been Tdhuaha in the Arab community over the decades.


Word consisting of the Arab readers


Meetings with the "Elders of Zion"

Romanov dynasty and the protocols

Protocols in the dock

1921 - Discovery

How to defend a lie

Difficult decisions


Hallmarks of a French version of the Russian


A story in South Africa

Lying is alive and


1 comment:

  1. המידע הקיים לגבי מדינת ישראל וההיסטוריה שלה, היהודים, דתם ותרבותם בשפה הערבית, הוא דל ביותר. מספר האתרים אשר מציגים מידע עובדתי והיסטורי לגבי ישראל והיהודים בשפה הערבית הוא זניח וגורם לבעיות הבנה קשות בתפיסתם של הערבים את מדינת ישראל והיהודים.

    האתר Yahoodi1 הוא אתר ישראלי בשפה הערבית, אשר קם בשל הצורך ליצור מקורות מידע עובדתיים, היסטוריים וחיוביים לגבי עמנו ומולדתנו ויצירת היכרות עם דוברי השפה הערבית את התרבות, המסורת וההיסטוריה העשירים שלנו. צוות האתר פועל לבניית מאגר מידע מהימן בשפה הערבית, ממקורות שונים, על עמנו, דתנו, שפתנו ותרבותנו האדירה.

    ארץ ישראל עשירה בממצאים ארכיאולוגיים, בעדויות, בכתבים, במטבעות, בספרי קודש והיסטוריה, עדויות נצח לתרבותנו העברית הקדומה, בת מעל ל-3000 שנה. אתר זה נועד לאגד ולספק לקורא הערבי את כל מקורות המידע להם הוא יזדקק כדי לימוד מהותה של מדינתנו, שורשינו העמוקים בה וזכותנו הנצחית עליה.

    בנוסף לאתר זה אנו מפעילים חשבון יו-טיוב המוקדש לנושאים אלה וקבוצות פייסבוק רבות בערבית בנושאי יהדות, השפה העברית וההיסטוריה של ארץ ישראל. כל אלו נוצרו כמענה לסקרנותם הרבה של רבים בעולם הערבי ומהווים מאגר חומרים ותשובות לכל אותן השאלות ובקשות המידע הרבות אשר נשלחות אלינו מרחבי העולם הערבי במהלך השנים האחרונות.

    נשמח אם תצטרפו (ותצרפו) אלינו ביו-טיוב ובפייסבוק ותתרשמו מפעילותינו העניפה.
    באפשרותכם ליצור קשר עימנו באמצעות הדוא"ל ע"י לחיצה כאן.
