Need to think about the future of Egypt to the foresight, we can not change the current situation overnight, it is important that there is a scheme works to move the sense of citizenship in the mind and heart of every Egyptian, grows when it believes the vast majority of people that their leaders are working for the public interest first Finally, and qualifies this feeling, that leads everyone to play an active role in the scheme of AlinmConstructive, being thus development of rich and poor countries alike.
So we need to prepare a draft understand the purpose of all people, a schedule specific know the beginning and end, and everyone can see the place or good for either him personally or his sons or others, should allow this plan the best use of people's minds and their sleeves and abilities so that everyone believes him and everyone feels individual that has an important role in its success.At the cosmic geology GAP land of Egypt and Njuaha, deserts, and he knows by doing the living conditions of people in big cities and small villages and oases, as well as I know the situation of past and present schools, universities and institutes and where we are, what we can to get him if they improved our living and opened up prospects for progress and prosperity.The history of nations has proved that since God created man on earth civilization flourished between any group of people in their community if there is three basic elements are:
1 - Production of surplus food, which makes people grow their bodies strong and fertile imaginations and good food gives health and wellness that qualify to work worthwhile.
So we need to prepare a draft understand the purpose of all people, a schedule specific know the beginning and end, and everyone can see the place or good for either him personally or his sons or others, should allow this plan the best use of people's minds and their sleeves and abilities so that everyone believes him and everyone feels individual that has an important role in its success.At the cosmic geology GAP land of Egypt and Njuaha, deserts, and he knows by doing the living conditions of people in big cities and small villages and oases, as well as I know the situation of past and present schools, universities and institutes and where we are, what we can to get him if they improved our living and opened up prospects for progress and prosperity.The history of nations has proved that since God created man on earth civilization flourished between any group of people in their community if there is three basic elements are:
1 - Production of surplus food, which makes people grow their bodies strong and fertile imaginations and good food gives health and wellness that qualify to work worthwhile.
2 - the division of labor between members of the community appropriate division, and that requires people to upgrade experience, knowledge and good governance (and not people of confidence) on all levels.
3 - Rehabilitation of a decent life in cities so that busy people just searching for power and living in a good environment so that some of them of creativity and innovation in their work, and creativity at work is the most important elements of civilization and progress.
Permission will not make Egypt and its people believe in the future unless improved our situation in relation to the previous three ingredients, so the best solution is to start in the corridor project DevelopmentIn the status bar of the Western Desert of Egypt stretching from the Mediterranean coast as far north as Lake Nasser in the south, and at a distance ranging between 10 and 80 km west of the Nile Valley, this will open the passage up new avenues for extension of urban, agricultural, industrial, commercial and tourist on a vast distance.
The importance of transport
Transport is the basics of progress and prosperity throughout the ages, and we know that the state of ancient Egyptian for more than five thousand years is built on the Nile route linking the north-south, where he goes through people and news, food, products, goods, and the security men and tax collectors and all that represents the entity of the State the secret of survival, as well as the Greeks adopted WaThe Romans and the Arabs to facilitate and secure transport across civilizations, and in the current era has grown modern Europe after the establishment of networks of highways, where, as well as excelled America to the rest of the Western world by using its natural resources better used, which required the establishment of excellent network of railways and roads, excellent, permanent maintenance in all its parts.
For us in Egypt is not correct to create a new road network in the Nile Valley and Delta, because the attack on the agricultural land is the victim at all, as a result of significant growth of the clusters of population random and non-licensed in most cases, this fertile land Rsabha the great Nile River over millions of years, The accumulation of Egypt's population in a limited area mNha result of the continued increase in the number of the population, does not make sense to continue to live on 5% of land area, while continuing to build on agricultural soils, so we must open new horizons for urban expansion, agricultural, industrial, commercial and tourism outside the scope of the narrow Nile Valley.
And seek passage of the proposed addition to the facilitation of transport between the parties to the State, to the extent of urbanization in the Nile Valley and Delta to open new horizons for growth near population centers, major areas are endless in the reclamation of land is desert and create new projects for development in the areas of reconstruction, agriculture, industry, trade and tourism, It also gives the corridor orNot new for future generations by using one of the elements of natural wealth and the closest to the current population, a strip adjacent to the Nile Valley in Western Sahara.
We have chosen this part of the Western Sahara based on the experience in the topography of Egypt and its potential development, and consists of the tape adjacent to the Nile Valley from the Golan flat Askew simple from south to north parallel to the Nile, and do not interrupt the region valleys are threatened by flooding as is the case in the east of the Nile, as well as exist vast areas of reclaimed land that are easy to produceFood, in addition to the potential presence of groundwater, this tape is very less when the sand does not intersect with lines of sand dunes.
The pillars of the corridor
Based on the above proposal involves the establishment of passage reconstruction following:
1 - a main road is the primary focus of the course of rapid global specifications starts from west of Alexandria, and will continue until the southern borders of Egypt length of 1200 km.
2 - twelve hub of roads that cross the main road linking the main population centers along the track length of about 800 total miles.
3 - bar rail expressway parallel to the main road.
4 - pipe water from Lake Nasser in the south until the end of the corridor on the Mediterranean coast.
5 - power line believed to provide energy in the initial stages of the project.
1 - the main passage
Represents the way the world from north to south, the key element of the corridor reconstruction route starts on the Mediterranean coast at the site between Alexandria and El Alamein, and qualifies for the establishment of the port of a new global comparable to international ports big in the future, taking into account the need to provide the use of modern information technology in dealing easy fast withExports and imports of goods and temporary.
Consists of the main road of the eight lanes at least, two of the trucks and two cars back and forth, as necessary to pave the way to international standards that allow to walk the safe speed without stopping, except in cases of emergency stations and rest, fuel centers and collection of fees for traffic.
2 - wheel-offs
Includes the proposed 12 hub accidentally connecting each main road location of sites Overcrowding in the Delta and in parallel with the Nile Valley, allowing these methods to spill Urban West at these sites slowly and add dimension geographically for a number of governorates that suffer from choking at the moment, and should not be allowed releaseA random growth in those areas, but must be preceded by planning, organization and services of urban growth have, for example, include axis of the proposed spin-off as follows:
The center of Alexandria
This axis extends from the main road west to reach the city of Alexandria and its port and international airport, and can continue east to the axis through the Delta to coastal Damietta and Rosetta, thus linking the main road this section of the corridor north of Delta as a whole.
Delta Axis
To link the main road by mid-Delta region may be in the city of Tanta, such as this axis requires the preservation of agricultural land in the course and may require bridges new on the Rosetta Branch and the irrigation and drainage canals, and the western part of this road paved on the barren desert and are subject to reclamation and represent a dimension geographically new to the province of Western more Delta governorates sisterTable at all.
The center of Cairo
Qualifies this axis linking the main road «Egypt - Alexandria Desert» then the largest population in the continent of Africa as a whole, namely, the governorate of Cairo, and can for this section to continue eastward to the enemy and then to the Suez road to link the new port the port of Suez, and qualifies for the carriage of goods land from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea through the Gulf of normalQ.
Axis of Fayoum
This ensures that the axis of the Desert development in the north and west of a low-Fayoum, Fayoum and the West in particular can be developed industrially for the removal of polluting industries, such as the cement industry for residential sites.
Axis Marine
The aim of this section is to connect the main road in the direction of the Bahariya Oasis, south-west of Giza, and thus qualifies for the link between the oases of the New Valley North and the main road, and allows the branch expansion in tourism in marine low.
The center of al-Minya
This link opens up new avenues for development west of the Nile Valley in an area densely populated and need to expand in the construction due to the presence of the University, as well as to the need for a number of schools and training institutes.
Axis of Assiut
Can be re-everything that was said Branch Minya, in addition to this axis that qualifies on the path of oases Kharga and the rest of the oases of the New Valley Governorate.
Axis of Qana
Axis to give this a wide area can reclaim its territory located south of the path of the Nile River between the towns of Qana and the Nag Hammadi, and consisted of soil in this region due to the deposition of ancient valleys, which also means the possibility of underground water can be used in reclamation projects.
The center of Luxor
This is an extension of the road is limited to outstanding tourism projects over the plateau and west of the Nile Valley near the largest concentration of ancient Egyptian antiquities in Luxor.
Axis of Kom Ombo, Aswan
This is the axis easy and broad is the course of the centuries-old Neil, therefore, covered by fertile soil suitable for agriculture, for reasons of geology began along the Nile migration eastward until it reached its current location, and could therefore be the use of groundwater stored since ancient times in the reclamation of this fertile plain, and links along the section in the direction of the south east between him and the way PresidentJ and the city of Aswan, which facilitates the transport of local products to the northern governorates, in addition to Development by facilitating tourist visit tourist sites in the area of Aswan, in addition to the development of the road that qualifies Aswan Airport to global trade.
Axis Toshka
Down the main road from the plateau as being linked to various places around the low Toshka, was digging a channel for the delivery of water of the Nile from Lake Nasser to the low Toshka the purpose of reclaiming land surrounding Balbrk which formed in the low, the project calls for several ways to move rapidly to the northern governorates and the export ports together.
Axis of Lake Nasser
Lake Nasser is a prime location for the development of fisheries and fishing, especially if it was to facilitate the transfer to the sites of accumulation of population in the northern governorates. These themes have been selected for its proximity to the sites Overcrowding and ease the traffic in terms of topography, this can add other themes as in the study prepared by specialists from the Ministry ofDevelopment of economic and reported the possibility of three additional axes.
corridor includes the proposed reconstruction on the bar rail expressway parallel to the main road. Qualify this way to move people and goods and products from the south coast of Egypt to the Mediterranean in particular that the current railway suffering from old age.It also does not create valid new railway in the valley of the Nile; because this is an encroachment on agricultural land.
Qualify rail rapid transit shipment of fish from Lake Nasser, which is rich in fisheries to the sites of accumulation of population in the north and the Nile Valley.He is also the means of optimum use in industries many as an industry aluminum in Nag Hammadi, Vetoagd railway new will make the transport from the port to the factory and then transporting the product from the factory to the market is at ease and at lower cost, in addition to reducing the congestion caused by the movement of trucks on the road to the current agricultural.
Water pipe
Necessary to provide safe drinking water along the corridor of the proposed plateau of Western Sahara. Prefer to transfer water from Lake Nasser or Toshka channel within a tube to prevent evaporation or leakage of water in the rocks. This includes the planning of projects DevelopmentDifferent along the corridor of groundwater use in agriculture and industry, but the need to water for human use during the initial stages of the project requires the provision of pipe in question.
May be needed during that phase of the project tube diameter of one meter or meter and a half.This is not much because Libya has established a Great Man Made River to transport fresh water from desert wells in the south to cities on the Mediterranean coast in the tube diameter of four meters and a length of 2000 km. As is the case in Libya, after pumping the water to the level of the plateau is moved from south to north, the natural tendency of the surface of North Africa.
Power line
Necessary for the proposal to establish a line of electricity for lighting and cooling along the main road, especially because the route passes in a desert area where the requirements do not exist Development infrastructure, through the early stages of the project. At the same time, projects should be encouraged DevelopmentUrban, agricultural, industrial and tourism organization and the use of sustainable energy sources such as solar and wind energy.
Advantages of the project
Necessary for any proposal ProjectDevelopmental study of side effects especially from an environmental perspective, and because the proposed project reduces environmental degradation in the Nile Valley, this is one of the many advantages.Fundamental aspect that must be studied is the feasibility of the project, ie, how sure of success in terms of investment, and this is done through a feasibility study conducted by specialists based on real data and logical. The advantages and benefits anticipated from the project are numerous, are summarized, including the following:
- Reduction of the infringement on agricultural land within the Nile Valley by the private sector and government together.
- Open new areas of urban congestion near the places of the population.
- The development of several areas to reclaim land west of the Delta and Nile Valley.
- Providing hundreds of thousands of jobs in the areas of agriculture, industry, trade and reconstruction.
- development of new sites for tourism and recreation in Western Sahara tape adjacent to the Nile.
- Reduction of congestion in transportation and expanding the network of existing roads.
- Rehabilitation of a quiet life and comfortable in a clean environment that allows for some creativity at work.
- Linking the Toshka and East Port and the New Valley oases the rest of the state.
- Creating new opportunities for small investors to gain from projects in different fields.
- Participation of a wide range of people in development projects, which fosters a sense of loyalty and belonging.
- Open new horizons for the work and enjoy the fruits of achievement in a national project of first-class.
- The creation of hope to the youth of Egypt, and by ensuring a better future.
Means of achievement
With the implementation of the current proposal had been discussed in numerous lectures at universities and institutions and with the Egyptian government, but as a display of the private sector, for many reasons. Specialists have estimated the project cost about $ 24 billion.This value is not much at the moment, especially because it believes the future of the entire people of Egypt and save the deteriorating economic situation at this particular time.Investors may be able to secure the amount required for the implementation of the project through sale of land suitable for new construction on both sides of wheel spin-off at the beginning of the project, and we know that the prices of building land are rapidly growing in a fictional present.
At the request of Dr. Ahmed Nazif, Prime Minister of the ministerial committee headed by Abul-Naga, Minister of International Cooperation to study the prospects for all of the proposed building on the extensive study by the experts in various professions during the past three years.Study was conducted by experts in the research centers and universities in order to achieve a serious evaluation of the proposal by the people of experience and knowledge in all areas under the supervision of the Ministry Development economics.In my opinion, is also required to discuss such a vital project in the parliament so that it can enact laws and take actions that protect people from the bureaucracy or the exploitation of some workers in the private sector.
Ideally began to think from the moment of departure with the participation of the widest possible spectrum of people, for example, each province can begin to prepare a list of projects DevelopmentAnd priorities based on their real needs in the light of the resources of labor necessary technical and capacity of the other, at the same time should not be allowed to attract foreign labor to work on the project for whatever reasons, because the Egyptian or Egyptian could be their training to do any work was at the highest levels of international performance.
As well as university students can be encouraged through competitions for the selection of development projects are held in their provinces. Even school students can participate competitions to select the names of roads and occasional towns and villages will be established on the side. Participation of young people is very important because the goal of the project is to secure their future by providing employment opportunities endless for them.
This means that the door is wide open for participation by making statements like that, on the condition that the ideas presented is not the purpose of personal gain is narrow and limited, but they serve first and foremost in the public interest. Thus, States and make people work with determination and activity, loyalty and affiliation, and life to flourish again in the valley of the Nile Immortal.
In a previous offer for the project stated that my granddaughter Jasmine (at the age of 10 years) returned from her school in Washington to tell her mother that the school mentioned the name of Egypt in the first lesson of the lessons of history, and added that the school said that history repeats itself, and asked her mother, is this true? When the mother answered, yes, I asked with great enthusiasm
Answer to a question, this small, that live far away but keep the memory of Egypt in her heart and mind, requires thinking, foresight and hard work for the elevation of this country who deserves a leading position among nations.Egypt was over the ages a source of civilization and thought, science, culture, art and construction and good performance, but Onah and other fade torch of civilization and involve the people of Egypt for himself, as if in a coma is not aware of what is happening around the world, but soon wake up this great people of nausea and rise up with all vitality and activity to glowing torch of civilization once again in the land of Egypt.
I would say that the Arabs are everywhere waiting for the elevation of Egypt because the Rfthm all. It was not for the Arabs a place in any time of the time only in the presence of a strong Egypt Kalamod spine which wraps around all the Arab countries.
Egypt will no longer be a great country again unless the current improved our situation.Based on the advantages and benefits of this project can be joined Egypt to the intended purpose within a decade or two decades at the most, as that would leave Egypt from the current situation sorrows different, so I am fully convinced that the proposed project could restore the vitality and productivity of the people of Egypt and qualifies This is good country for the generous access to a unique location between aBone countries of the world again.
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